From being around pets I have
learned a few useful tricks

If you have pet hair on your furniture, clothes or carpets, try putting on a rubber glove and rubbing over the area. You’ll be amazed how much it helps.

When you have to give reluctant pets tablets, just hide the tablet in a small piece of chicken. Your pet won’t even notice the tablet.

In very hot weather a small piece of sulphur in your cat’s or dog’s water will help keep their body temperature lower and make them more comfortable.

Cats can sometimes be hard to train, and may often behave in ways you don’t want them to. By using a few squirts of water, you can better train your cat to do what you want it to.

You may not have thought of talcum powder as dangerous, but for your cat it can be. Try and keep talcum powder away from your cat and keep it safe.

Always pet a cat in the direction of its fur, and be aware that the spot just above the tail is sensitive – some cats adore being scratched there, others hate it. If your cat suddently nips you while you are petting it, it may be because he’s “overdosed” on the pleasurable sensations.

Bitter apple spray is a non-toxic, safe and effective chew deterrent. It has a bitter taste to discourage pets from licking, gnawing, and chewing on electrical cords, bandages and almost any surface.

Does your cat bite when he plays? Respond as a cat: hiss at him.

If your cat is clawing your furniture, invest in a scratching post that is 24″ or 30″ tall, with a sturdy base – your cat may be using the arm of the sofa because he can stretch higher than his scratching post will allow. Most of the ones you will find at the store are only 18″ high so you may need to visit a pet supply store.